Semolino pasta with mussels and tomatoes

There is nothing as simple and as comforting as a dish of pasta. The sort of meal that maks everyone happy, perfect for this time of the year that calls for frequent lunches and dinners with friends and family.
This type of pasta is called gnocchetti and is made with semolino flour, water and a pinch of salt. Due to their shape, these gnocchetti are perfect for saucy sauces; this time we opted for mussels sauteed with tomatoes and chili and it was really delicious.

Among all types of pasta, I think these gnocchetti are the easiest to make and it could be fun to involve the younger ones in your family and make them together. Vittorio and I taught this method to his 6 y.o. niece and she loved it and was so proud to eat something made by her!
Just below the recipe, you can find the link to a brief reel I created that shows the process, and follow along.
Buon appetito!

Ingredients (for 4): - for the pasta
200 gr semolino flour
3 gr salt
100 ml lukewarm water - for the sauce:
500 gr mussels
8/10 plum tomatoes 1 garlic clove
1 fresh chili e.v.o. oil
Put the semolino flour in a bowl and combine with the salt. Make a hole in the centre and slowly pour the water. Start amalgamating with your hands, then move to a flat floured surface and keep kneading for about 10 minutes. When the dough is well amalgamated, cover with a kitchen towel and leave it for 30 minutes.
When the time has passed, flour a flat surface and divide the dough into 4. With each piece, roll a sausage and cut it into smaller pieces of about 1 cm. With the aid of a knife, pass each piece on a gnocchi board from bottom to top and place on a floured dish.
Meanwhile, wash and dice the tomatoes. Heat a pan, pour a little bit of e.v.o. oil, the crushed clove of garlic, the chili sliced in half and with the seeds removed and cook for a couple of minutes and low-medium heat. Add the mussels and cook until they open. Let cool a little, remove garlic, then remove the mussels from their shells and keep aside.
Bring a pot of water to the boil, add just a little bit of sea salt, and cook the pasta. The pasta is ready when it comes up. With a strainer, move it to the pan with the tomato sauce and toss it for a couple of minutes. Finally add the mussels, stir and serve hot.
Garnish with a herb of choice.
Link to video: