Nicoletta Fornaro27 set 2023MERACU: Sustainable Handmade Leather Goods in the heart of Venice. An interview with Shanti Ganesha
Nicoletta Fornaro21 set 2023Handmade Shoes, Crochet Knits, Bags and More: Monica Bravin and Her Family Business in Ruga Rialto
Nicoletta Fornaro13 set 2023A Taste of Autumn in Venice: Roasted Veg and a Visit to the Fine Art Academy
Nicoletta Fornaro14 ago 2023Gnocchi with Baked Pumpkin, Stale Bread, Ricotta Salata and Montasio Cheese
Nicoletta Fornaro25 lug 2023Toasted bread with sautéed artichokes, black olives and a parsley, lemon and garlic pesto
Nicoletta Fornaro20 mag 2023Crostini with pumpkin and sun-dried tomatoes cream, turnip tops, marinated onions and black olives